When you can actually appreciate the cutter’s cake cutting abilities because they make sure to keep it all intact. Good job Grandpa!!!
Celebrations haven’t been the same since quarantine, but we make the best out of it! You know it’s a quarantine celebration when you see Clorox Wipes in the background ;)
Where there is cake, there is love!
enjoying cake together and nice to see family from a distance
To make this cake, I used 2 different cakes mixes from KetoandCo.
1) Chocolate cake mix - bake as directed
1) Banana Caramel muffin mix - bake as directed
I used (3) 7 inch round cake pans and filled them about 3/4 of the way. One cake pan had a mixture of both the chocolate and banana caramel.
My lil bakers who helped me mix these up!
Bottom layer: Chocolate cake- then spread chocolate butter cream frosting and top with blueberries
Middle layer: Banana Caramel cake- then spread chocolate butter cream frosting and top with blueberries
Top layer: Chocolate/Banana Caramel cake infused together- then frosted cake all around! A messy frosting job, but it works for me!
For my buttercream frosting recipe, be sure to click here
90F weather outside won’t stop us from enjoying this cake outside. *tip- keep your cake in the fridge until it’s ready to serve